Day 2 , pos 33-51N, 137-57E, daily run 118 NM

Day 2 , pos 33-51N, 137-57E, daily run 118 NM
We left Kushimoto in calm grey weather, but had a nice send off by the local tourist office lady who brought a journalist from the Kushimoto local newspaper. After the interview we were presented with a bag of presents, so sweet. We motored away for a few hours until the wind picked up from astern and we rolled out the Yankee sail, in no time at all we were making 7-9 knots with a 25 knot tailwind, plus the waves started to build, reaching 3-4 metres at times, I hoped this wasn’t an omen, because it was quite intimidating. Kathy sill managed to produce a lovely diner of hot soup and a fresh warm crusty baguette. We pounded through the night but by sunrise 4am, the sea had calmed, by 9 it was very calm and we were motoring again. There’s a lot of shipping here as we are passing close to the main Tokyo route and the main great circle path from Asia to the west coast of America. The sea was calm enough for me to drop the Yankee sail and replace it with an old Genoa I had repaired in Thailand in preparation for this passage, the logic is that I don’t want to ruin a nice new performance sail on a downwind passage where basically any old rag, if big enough would do the job. As it turns out, swapping headsails on deck in a Rolly sea is not something I’m going to be making a habit of. It was so difficult, I almost went over the side at one point. Poor old Ellen macaurther who was doing this three times a day on here solo round the world voyage, and much bigger sails too. Enough for now, will try to update every day after my 12:00 log entries.
Paul Collister

2 thoughts on “Day 2 , pos 33-51N, 137-57E, daily run 118 NM”

  1. Hi Paul and Kath,
    well it looks like you are heading for the big one and as there is a lot of it I am sure you
    will both get there. If the Aleutians are still in your plans I have always held a ‘wish I could go there’
    in my mind so if you manage it at least I will be able to say ‘I knew someone who did’
    Joan and I wish you Fair Winds and Following Seas
    Take care
    Pete and Joan

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