Mainsail sorted

I was up early, it was quite overcast and consequently very cool in the breeze, so off I went getting the mainsail on to the rig, I had thought this would take an hour or two, but it took about three hours and by the end I was very hot in the blazing sun, and I burnt my shoulders as well. Still the sail looks in great shape, needs a good cleaning.

main 1
Very strong reinforcements around the key areas like the reef points
main 2
Notice the little light on the top of the pile, just about boom height, that won’t survive a crash jibe 😉

I had also been squirting WD40 into the cover plate for the emergency tiller over the last 24 hours, this morning I managed to free it and see if the tiller actually works, which it did, very reassuring.

I was now able to clear up the crap on the deck and give it a hose down, much cleaner, but also much easier to spot the areas that need attention. Mostly rust stains on the fiberglass.

port bow

She look happy enough sitting in the berth, hoping to move to a better spot soon, once I find one with power.

stb quarter 2
You might notice the top of the pile is a little different now 🙁

I also found a strange pintel type thing sticking out the front of the mast, any ideas ?

Something to do with that old tale, what was it, "Captain bates doing something in the rigging" I can't remember
Something to do with that old tale, what was it, “Captain bates doing something in the rigging” I can’t remember 😉

I took a walk along the coastal path to Tesco and spent a fortune on stuff for me and the boat.bridge other side

A different Tesco to the one I went to last time, but just as big. I have noticed that they have taken the Tesco name, and some of the value brands, but not much else, certainly “The customer comes first/is alwalys right” concept got lost on the way. As with all the supermarkets I have visited so far, asking a member of staff the question “Do you know where the ‘salt/milk/coffee.. insert anything you like’ is kept, you will get a look of confusion, with a response of no, said in a way that should also include the phrase, “I only work here, stop bothering me”. Today they were upset that at the checkout the Oven glove I bought didn’t have a barcode, normally they just throw it to the side, end of story, you cant have it. but at Tesco I was asked if I would like to wait while they get the price, when I said yes, they seemed shocked and irritated, what was worse, when I got home, I realised they had just picked up the first oven glove they saw with a bar code which was twice the price of the one I wanted. Still I got enough ingredients to have a delicious tuna salad for dinner tonight.

Tesco by E-Gate

Paul C.