Lazy days

It’s been a lazy week,  I have been researching where best to get bits for the boat, and I think I have found some good suppliers locally for various items. I had the bowsprit measured for a replacement, along with various other teak jobs I’m considering. The weather started off quite grey and wet earlier in the week but by today it looked like the monsoon season had left us, however we had a big storm this evening, so maybe not quite yet. I managed to get a couple of coats of varnish down despite this. We are also tackling little jobs here and there like cleaning behind the cooker,IMG_3531

and reading up on possible destinations, for when the weather improves. We plan to spend a couple of weeks cruising around Phang Nga Bay where there are scores of lovely little islands, one where they filmed a bond movie.

We had a little walk through the village here and I saw a very tall coconut treeIMG_3540

And we found a shop that sold bananas, they might also sell ghekos, given how many they had.


I’m going to try and link some higher res pictures in to the normal ones, so if you click on them it should show a higher resolution image, but I’m not sure how this works, so bear with me. These pages may be slow to download, but you should be able to zoom in once you have clicked on the image.

Firstly, our marina yesterday when it was a lovely hot sunny day.



Now some clickable images

The storm appears in the distance

Getting closer

Just before the rain hits us


All viewed from the safety of the bar, where we watched an amazing lightning show that lasted an hour. Who needs TV!


Paul C