On the hard

Just a quick note to say we are on the hard (Hauled out and in a boatyard) in Penang, LBM, the same yard I used to do the work a year ago. It was great getting here, I managed to steer into the travel lift without the previous grief last year.
The hull/keel is just fine, mostly scratches to the antifoul, no serious damage at all, just shows how tough these boats are. the antifoul looks great after a year too, the anode on the prop is almost gone, and the prop seems light on the grease, so these are simple jobs.

The anode above looks like a “scared as hell alien” to me, probably all the near misses it has seen.

Tomorrow I’m getting the scuffs filled with an epoxy filler, then a new coat of antifoul, then launch on Thursday.

Net connectivity is awful right now. Actually it’s not at all, I just realised I had run out of credit, and they switch you onto a txt/iMessage/twitter etc only service, but no web. I had forgotten about that, and as the tweets were arriving I assumed I still have credit. I just topped up, and bingo, I can get the web now.

So I need to get out and get some dinner now, will post some pictures later.


Paul Collister